Saturday, February 27, 2010

Perspective I.F.

A piece inspired by the music of Ian Narcisi of
The song is Burning. You can give it a listen to at his site by checking out the link above.
please do, he is incredibly talented.


  1. Beautiful piece and song. Nothing like music to inspire. Outstanding use of a limited palette. I think I will make IF a regular activity (started my submissions as part of a little regimen, and because of Escape From Illustration Island's content. Motivation to produce. Your piece is really inspiring. Can you explain the shell in the center?

  2. Likewise, I would be interested in the meaning of the shell. There is a very ominous mood about this piece, the lack of human form something very lonely. It's also interesting that though the colours are quite warm there is still a strong sense of cold. Great perspective!

  3. It's the song, Kylie! I just listened to the lyrics. Almost all the elements of the lyrics in the song are on the piece! (bad habit of mine not to mind lyrics too much and concentrate on the instruments instead - my preference as a guitar player... lovely sounding).

  4. Incredible. My eyes want to follow the path and wrap around the trees. Nicely done!

  5. I'm so glad you guys enjoyed this piece. And Jose I'm so glad you listened to Ian's music. You really have to experience them both together, this piece and it's inspiration. Kylie there is a bit of human presence,
    actually a ghost of it associated with the shadows of the parking meters.
    Perhaps next I can try something a little more up beat. Thanks for visiting!

  6. Wonderful illustration!Colours and perspective are amazing!Love your style!

  7. I love this image! The parking meters are so sinister! Great work.
