Friday, June 12, 2009

I need Character!

I've been working on GREW pretty intensively since March. Two & a half months into it and I realize that I have to bring more character interaction, dialog ,and Drama into it. Shan Tan spent four years of his life on The Arrival and It shows. Realizing that I'm only two months into this makes me feel better. I want to rush myself, make it happen NOW! Trouble is what ever gets rushed usually looks it.
So why do quick one minute or faster character sketches? Well... the reason is to catch a moment of time. a whiff of inspiration and go with it. I'll spend MUCH time refining them in Painter later, right now they've got to breathe, "let us out!" they shout!

We'll see what comes.

1 comment:

  1. looking good Sam. I have an award for you on my blog. stop by to pick it up.
